Sunday, August 23, 2020

Episode 76: The Cloud, Chapter 16

 Hi All,

Just a reminder that we are recording a novella that Mr. Chris and I wrote. The story, about kids solving a mystery using their technology skills, has twenty-five chapters.  

A few weeks ago, we brought you Chapter 15, where Garrett and Todd gave their health recommendations to a very distracted Mrs. Young. Their suggestions were easy to accomplish, but her distraction left them wondering if they would even see them implemented by the end of the year.

Did you know that you can help the Cloud? Simply share a picture of the weather that is happening in your neck of the woods at  We'll place them on the the class website at to help out The Cloud with their science fair data!  


                                                                 Photo credit: Texthelp

This week, we bring you Chapter 16. Texthelp, the makers of WriQ, is establishing a new revolution for student writing achievement. Join a growing community of students and teachers and try WriQ for free today. Visit:


What did you say? A word of the day! In our story 
there are many juicy words that are fun to use and say.

Reassuringly - To restore to assurance or confidence

Snippets - A small bit, scrap, or fragment

Tally - To count or reckon up

Twinge - To pinch; tweak; twitch

Wagered - Something risked or staked on an uncertain event; bet


Try these activities to keep your imagination glowing 
after hearing the story.

1. Watch this video about the scientific method and track each step of it through Chapter 16 as you listen. What is your hypothesis about what is making people in the school sick?

2. Ladybugs are interesting insects. Learn more about them here. Then, take the word puzzle challenge online at

3. Create your own puzzle at

4. Click this link to learn the life cycle of the ladybug by moving around the pieces to the puzzle until they are in the right order. 

                                    COMPREHENSION CHALLENGE

After listening to the story, can you recall the 
details to answer these questions?

1. Who found a ladybug on the door handle?

2. What did Todd use to make the short video snippets?

3. When did Mr. Brisbane inquire about the experiment?

4. Where did Erika Elias find two ladybugs?

5. Why Did Todd stick his head in the bag of ladybugs?

Dede of Pennsylvania
Bethie of Massachusetts
Brian of Massachusetts


Saturday, August 8, 2020

Episode 75: The Cloud, Chapter 15

 Hi All,

Just a reminder that we are recording a novella that Mr. Chris and I wrote. The story, about kids solving a mystery using their technology skills,  has twenty-five chapters.  
A few weeks ago, we brought you Chapter 13 and 14, where Val questioned Melvin, hoping to find out who was putting the extra files in their project. The Cloud came to the assumption that Mr. Brisbane was helping them.

Wait, or was it you? Did you add to their files? Did you know that you can? Simply share a picture of the weather that is happening in your neck of the woods at We'll place them on the the class website at to help out The Cloud with their science fair data!   


                                                                 Photo credit: Texthelp

This week, we bring you Chapter 15. Texthelp, the makers of WriQ, is establishing a new revolution for student writing achievement. Join a growing community of students and teachers and try WriQ for free today. Visit:


What did you say? A word of the day! In our story 
there are many juicy words that are fun to use and say.

Disheveled - untidy or disarranged

Diminishing - to make or cause to seem smaller, less, less important, etc.

Engrossed - to occupy completely, as the mind or attention

Pondering - to consider something deeply and thoroughly

 Typical - characteristic or distinctive


Try these activities to keep your imagination glowing 
after hearing the story.

1. If you could have a class pet like Delbert, what would it be? This article from shares the 5 best classroom pets. Choose one and then research how to take care of it!

2. Make a list! Who do YOU think could be helping The Cloud by adding to their science fair folders and data? Write the character names you suspect and three reasons using evidence from the story to support your hypothesis. 

                                    COMPREHENSION CHALLENGE

After listening to the story, can you recall the 
details to answer these questions?

1. Who helped Todd and Garrett in the beginning of the chapter?

2. What is the master password?

3. When did Mrs. Young have a meeting?

4. Where were Todd and Garrett going to send the recommendations?

5. Why is Mrs. Young working so hard?

Tucker of Virginia
Brady of Virginia
Brayden of New York
Suzy NP of Virginia