Saturday, December 3, 2011

Episode 41:Candy Cane Catastophe

Click here to listen to: Candy Cane Catastrophe

Hi All,

We would like to send out a special thanks to Dorina of Mike's Pastries for recording a bumper for us. Mike's Pastries, in the North End of Boston is chock full of sweet treats. They have scrumptious cupcakes, cakes, cannolis, and much, much more. They ship anywhere, so order away!

There are so many yummy delicacies to choose from this time of year. Some people enjoy a big chocolate Santa, some enjoy homemade cookies, while others enjoy different types of candy. In our new story, Candy Cane Catastrophe, the narrator enjoys a holiday treat of his own! We hope you enjoy whatever holiday goodie you choose and be sure to share it with someone you love! After all, 'tis the season for sharing and giving.

What did you say? A word of the day! In our story
there are many juicy words that are fun to use and say.

abyss: a deep, immeasurable space
catastrophe: any mishap, misfortune or failure
shimmer: gleam faintly
spew: to cast forth, eject, or gush, as in disgust or anger 

Try these activities to keep your imagination glowing
after hearing the story.

1.Click here to watch how a candy cane is made!

2. Draw, paint, sculpt, or otherwise create a candy cane covered with icky things stuck to it! Take a picture of your tragic candy cane and send it to us at

3. Listen to our other holiday stories and visit the blog posts to complete the fun activities we have posted:

      Chilly's Christmas: (20:08)

An ornament is accidentally placed on the back of the Christmas tree and must learn to experience his favorite season using his other senses with a little help from his friends!

Free audio download: Chilly's Christmas 

Blog with activities: Chilly's Christmas

       Inky's Christmas: (21:24)
Inky, a nervous octopus, has to figure out a way to control his inking 
so he can attend all of his friends' holiday festivities.
Free audio download: Inky's Christmas
Blog with activities: Inky's Christmas

Red vs. Green: (22:21)
When a team of Christmas elves goes against a team of St. Patrick's Day in the Holiday Hockey Winter Classic, who will win?

Free audio download: Red vs. Green

Blog with activities: Red vs. Green

After listening to the story, can you recall the
details to answer these questions?

1. Where is the narrator going?
2. Why did the narrator's mom give him the candy cane?
3. Who always eats any leftover food that is passed to the front of the car?
4. When did the narrator realize that his candy cane was gone?
5. What did the narrator see while they were driving that reminded him of his lost candy cane?
6. How did the narrator's Grandma solve the boy's problem? 

We want to send out bright birthday wishes to:

Camden of Maryland
Bill of West Virginia
Papa of Massachusetts
Uncle Mark of Massachusetts

We hope your days SPARKLED!

As always, we look forward to the many stories
we can share together!
Happy Holidays!

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