Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Today is the 11th year anniversary of 9/11. It is a day of remembrance for those we lost and give thanks for all the heroes who risked their own lives to save others. It is a day this country will never forget and one that I want to be able to accurately explain to our own young children, now 7 and 4 years old. One of the sweetest and most telling books I have found was written by a first grade class in Missouri and published by Scholastic. It is called September 12th: We Knew Everything Would Be All Right.

Below are just some sample activities that Mr. Chris and I have done with students and with our own children over the years to remember 9/11.

1. Write an acrostic poem using the words: America, Liberty, United States, Together We Stand or any other patriotic terms you can think of.

2. Draw a picture of what makes you feel safe. Write a descriptive paragraph or make a short video about it.

3. Learn 50 new facts about each state at the 50States.com website.

4.Paint or trace each person's hands in the class or family with red paint. Join the hands together to create the stripes for the flag.

5. Sing the first verse to our National Anthem, called The Star Spangled Banner.

6. Join the 9/11 Day Movement, formerly known as the 9/11 Day of Service. You can read more about it from a previous Night Light Stories' blogpost.

7. You can learn even more about the 9/11 Day Movement project by listening to this episode on Mr. Chris' podcast, the A.T.TIPSCAST.

8. Do a good deed in your school, community, or home. It could be as simple as taking out the trash without being asked or reading to another classroom.

9. Make a chart keeping track of all of your good deeds.

10.  Find local opportunities to volunteer in your community by visiting 911day.org/volunteer.

11. Make a timeline of events from 2001-2012. What has happened in your families' life over the past 11 years? You can make a paper and pencil timeline or design one free online at TeAchnology, timetoast.com, or xtimeline.com

Please feel free to add to them in the comments below. 
We'd love to hear what you have done or are doing this week. 

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