Saturday, June 19, 2010


This is Mr. Chris, Daddy of the 
Night Light Stories household. 
Wait a minute...

This is more like it.

I would like to take this opportunity to
 share some of Mr. Chris' talents with you.

He is the co-author to 

He is the host of the award winning podcast, The A.T.TIPSCAST
He is also the co-creator 
of the Night Light Stories podcast,
 as well as my favorite story and sound editor.

He can build a race track that even 
impresses the toy cars!

His most amazing talent though, is being "DADDY".

He takes his job very seriously.

All his hard work is really appreciated.

He chooses the best company 
to spend his time with!

Even though there are some hazards to this job,

it has helped him learn to 
always keep one eye open.

He always brings the kids to new heights.

He makes the most of every moment.

He inspires great things!

Rock on Mr. Chris! 

You keep our house turning in such a 
positive and fun direction!  

 Happy Father's Day! 

As always we look forward to the many memories we can share together.


  1. So sweet! What a beautiful Father's Day tribute! Makes me wish I could hang out at your house ... like on a daily basis :) Hugs to you and the family!

  2. I love this post! Just building those race tracks is impressive in itself. Trust me, I've tried - they're hard!

    Happy Father's Day, Mr. Chris

    How's the book coming? Good, I hope :)

  3. MB-you crack me up! Thanks, hugs right back!
    Evonne! I am so happy to "see you"! We are doing well. We finished the rough draft (12 chapters) the other night. We start tomorrow on editing! We are so excited about how it turned out and can't wait to share it with everybody. Tell the kids we have some new NLS in the works and once we edit, we will be posting again. Stay well, Mel

  4. BRAVO on the book!

    I followed your blog badge from another site, so I'm snagging your badge too and hope you'll swing by and snag mine at:

    Ruthi Reads!
