Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Summer is here and we're jumping for joy. We have a lot of fun things planned for this summer including daily activities and experiments for our 3 and 5 year old. We have created "summer journals" using notebooks where the kids keep track of all the adventures.  I'll be sharing all of the activities over at the Facebook Page. We invite you to join us by commenting, posting your pictures, sharing your ideas there too. Feel free to post as much as you like! The more ideas we can share, the better! 

So far we have:

*Made summer journals to document our adventures in.
*Made a basic weather chart to keep track of the weather all summer.
*Created a rain gauge to measure how much rainfall we get this summer.
*Learned about the different types of clouds to help us identify them each day.
*Blown bubbles to discover what surface makes them pop faster. We also received some great ideas and resources from other friends.
*Learned about and watched the total lunar eclipse online. It is amazing how technology can bring you anywhere!
*Created a list of things we thought we would find at the beach. Then we searched to find all the things on our list!
*We used our imaginations to find different pictures and shapes the clouds made in the sky.
*We reviewed hand washing and ways we can keep ourselves healthy this summer. We listened to "Agent Tissue Has an Issue".   

You can find more information about any of the activities at the Facebook Page.
If you find the resources helpful, please pass them along!
As always, we look forward to watching the summer grow brighter with the many activities we can share together!


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