Monday, October 3, 2011

Episode 38: Eat the Cake

Click here to listen to: Eat the Cake

Hi All,

We would like to send out a special thanks to Raz of the Just Ask Raz show for recording a bumper for us. You can ask this brilliant, almost 5 year old a question over on her Facebook Page As of this recording, she has 27 episodes and going strong. I recently asked her what's her favorite kind of birthday cake. This question fits perfectly in with this story. As you listen to the story consider the following: What’s your favorite thing about a birthday party?

What did you say? A word of the day! In our story 
there are many juicy words that are fun to use and say.

convince: to move by argument or evidence to belief.
exuberant: extremely joyful and vigorous. 
optional: not required or mandatory.

                                                       JUST ADD IMAGINATION!
Try these activities to keep your imagination glowing 
after hearing the story.

1. The narrator thinks that people eating the cake will bring good luck. Make a list of things people believe will bring them "good luck". 

2. The narrator describes the feeling at the party as exuberant, elated, enthusiastic, ecstatic and excited.  What do all these words have in common? Act out each of these words with a family member or friend.

3. Get together with a family member and make a cake, even if it isn't your birthday.  You can make a pretend one out of paper or clay or make a real one with real frosting.  Once you've made your cake, take a picture of it and send it to us at

After listening to the story, can you recall the 
details to answer these questions?

1. Why does the narrator want everyone to eat the cake?
2. Where does the narrator go twice a year?
3. What does the narrator say are your responsibilities when you come to a party?
4. Who does the narrator tell to cheat a little in watching what they eat?
5. How many birthdays has the narrator had?

We want to send out bright birthday wishes to:

Cori M of New Hampshire
Aunt Sue of New York
Kathleen of Texas
Sophia P of Maryland

We hope your days sparkled! 

As always, we look forward to watching the glow grow 
brighter with the many stories we can share together.

Image credit to:

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